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DepartmentsPlanningBuilding & ConstructionBC Energy Step Code

BC Energy Step Code

The City of Powell River has adopted a phased approach to implementing the BC Energy Step Code. This initiative will allow builders to gain confidence and knowledge while we transition to the Provincial requirement of adhering to Step 3 by January 1, 2023, Step 4 by 2027, and finally Step 5 by 2032.

Effective January 1, 2021, new Part 9 and Part 3 buildings will be designed and constructed to conform to Step 2, or to Step 1 when installing a low-carbon heating system.

Implementing the BC Energy Step Code helps the City continue to meet goals within the community:

• to conserve energy and lower our energy demand

• lower green house gas emissions

• lower our carbon footprint

• pursuit of environmental sustainability

For more information on the BC Energy Step Code and how it will impact the construction industry in Powell River, please refer to our Public Information Bulletin and our updated Permit Application and Construction Process Bulletin.