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DepartmentsPlanningBuilding & ConstructionBuilding & Construction Overview

Building & Construction

The Planning Services Department oversees planning, subdivision, sustainability initiatives, building inspection, and business licence services. This department is responsible for ensuring that land and buildings are developed in an orderly and safe manner, considering social, environmental, economic, and cultural factors.

Building and Licencing administers the following:

  • Local administration of the BC Building Code,

  • Processing building permits,

  • Building inspections, and

  • Processing permits for signage and façade changes.

What to Expect

The current edition of the BC Building Code applies to the construction of buildings. This includes: extensions, renovations, repairs, and demolitions. All work must comply with the current BC Building Code and be completed to the satisfaction of the City Building Inspector.

  • During construction, inspections by the Building Inspector are required to be completed at the phases outlined in the current Building Bylaw before subsequent phases can proceed.

  • Some projects may require assurance by a Professional Engineer in the form of a Letter of Assurance.

  • A final inspection is carried out when all inspections are completed and approved.

  • New building or a building with a change of use must not be occupied until an Occupancy Permit is issued after a successful final inspection.

Staff are available to assist with building permit inquiries during office hours. Feel free to make an appointment to ensure that the person best able to assist you is available.

Applications and Forms

Before beginning any work, you must obtain a Building Permit. Questions? Visit the Do I need a Building Permit? Page for more information. Then, visit the Application Forms page to apply.

Building Permit Stats

Please review the following reports to learn more about Building Permits in Powell River: